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20 Beautiful Celebrity Mansions That Are Worth Its Cost – Take A Look

Eli Manning – ~ $8.5 Million, Hamptons

Former New York Giants quarterback Eli manning has retired from his star-studded football career and enjoys his vacations here, in this gorgeous $8.5-million, 7,000-square-foot Hamptons home. The huge plot of land (1.21-acres) also has a 1,904 square foot garage for just 2 cars!

The contemporary-style beach home, comes with 5 bedrooms, which is the perfect number for Eli’s 4 kids! It also has 3 floors, a large swimming pool, and a private deck. The Hamptons is the go-to holiday spot for many rich and famous people, and some of the Manning’s neighbors include Martha Stewart, Kelly Ripa and Michael J. Fox

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